The Northern Police Monitoring Project (NPMP) has been set up to as an independent campaigning and advocacy organisation to educate, empower and organise the people of Manchester and the surrounding area in the face of increasing police harassment, violence and racism.
The NPMP has 3 objectives
1. Campaigning
It exists to provide a forum to unite the various campaigns that have been set up in our communities in response to police harassment, violence, intimidation and criminalisation. NPMP operates as a forum to unite these groups and also support emerging campaigns as and when they are established.
2. Monitoring
NPMP attempts to get a bigger picture of the level and forms of police harassment in our communities. Learning from the initiative set up in London in the 1980s, the Newham Monitoring Project (, we aim to monitor the response of organisations including the police to the local community
3. Advising
NPMP aims to work within our communities suffering police harassment to provide advice, support, advocacy and access to specialist legal assistance for individuals and families, as well as community outreach initiatives and educational projects including know-your-rights workshops in relation to police ‘Stop and Search’ powers. These workshops will be replicated across different communities in the Manchester area.
In order for us to gain the trust and confidence of those individuals, groups and communities we are working with and to allow us to offer a genuine challenge to the official narrative around crime and policing in our communities, WE ARE ENTIRELY INDEPENDENT FROM THE POLICE AND OTHER OFFICIAL STATE AGENCIES.
email: whopolicesthepolice [@]