Posts Tagged ‘students’

NPMP statement of solidary with UoM Rent Strike

Posted by editor

We, the Northern Police Monitoring Project (NPMP), express our solidarity and deep concern for the safety of student occupiers associated with the UoM Rent Strike movement as well as the wider student population and surrounding communities of the University of Manchester. 

Since the occupation of the Owens Park Tower began on Thursday 12 November, students in the Fallowfield area have reported a growing police and private security presence, increased surveillance, the cutting off of WiFi, and threats of fines and arrest

These developments take place against the backdrop of the University of Manchester’s recent attempt to erect physical barriers around the Fallowfield residence halls, a move that prompted student protest and has since been replaced by heightened security patrols.   

Northern Police Monitoring Project condemns these actions and calls for the University of Manchester to stop the overpolicing and mistreatment of its students, and to meet the demands of UoM Rent Strike, 9k 4 What? and Students before Profit