We are truly heartbroken and outraged to hear the news of Chris Kaba’s killing at the hands of a Metropolitan Police firearms officer in London on Monday 5th August 2022 following a pursuit.
Chris Kaba was a father-to-be and MOBO-nominated rapper. His death is an unjust and devastating loss.
This case of an unarmed Black man being shot and killed – by a police force in special measures – is yet another example of the structural racism so deeply ingrained in British policing (and policing more broadly).This is a system that disproportionately criminalises, targets, arrests, convicts, imprisons and kills Black and racially minoritised people. It’s a system in which, since 1990, there have been 1833 deaths in police custody and/or following police contact. With Black and other racially minoritised people dying disproportionately as a result of the use of force by the police.
Two months ago,after being Tasered on Chelsea Bridge in June,Oladedji Omishore, 41, fled and fell into the Thames whilst he was experiencing a mental health crisis. A 35 year old Black man was also killed in police custody in Truro, Cornwall. Stories continue to be released on the horrific incidents of strip-searches on children and weeks ago 10 young boys were sent to prison in Manchester on conspiracy charges through an investigation and trial which framed itself off the racist doctrine of Joint Enterprise.
Police violence will exist for as long as the police exist. In order to end police violence, we must continue organising to reduce the impact and need of the police, with the intention of abolishing them altogether. Our families and communities deserve to live in safety from state violence.
At this stage, we warn people to be hesitant about misinformation which is rife in the aftermath of such tragic incidents, especially when spread by the state.
We send our love, rage and solidarity to his family, partner and loved ones. We extend our solidarity and support to them and to all who are impacted by this racist injustice and racist policing practices everyday. Rest in power Chris Kaba.